directorsAndrus Island

Ensuring the natural legacy of Cohasset.

Cohasset is unusually fortunate in having a great deal of natural beauty, from rugged coastline, beaches, and saltwater marshes, to ledge outcroppings and woodlands. All of these provide scenic vistas and wildlife habitat.

While recognizing the need for normal, healthy development, much opportunity remains to preserve Cohasset's natural assets, open spaces, and wildlife habitats for future generations.

The Trust provides a suitable vehicle for doing so. It acquires, through gifts by owners or by purchase as funds are available, parcels of land with natural beauty or important features that should be preserved in the long-range interest of the Town.

The Trust can also hold a Conservation Restriction on land owned by others.








Cohasset Conservation Trust, Inc.

The Cohasset Conservation Trust, Inc. is a private foundation (section 509(a) of the IRS Code) and a non-profit foundation operating under section 501(c)3. As a charitable trust under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Trust functions as a legal entity.

As a member of the Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition and a sponsor-member of the National Land Trust Alliance, the Trust adopted the NLTA's Statement of Land Trust Standards and Practices which provides guidance to the Board of Directors in carrying out its responsibilities.

The Cohasset Conservation Trust has accumulated an extensive range of properties, policies, practices and commitments which, collectively, embody the culture of the institution.
Over the years, the Trust has benefited from generous gifts of land as well as donations of cash and securities. The latter are applied to the general fund and are used for the stewardship of our properties, operational expenses, and land acquisition.
The Trust is a tax-exempt organization under the IRS codes; all donations are deductible to the full extent of the law. To make a donation to support our efforts to conserve and preserve open space please visit our Support CTT page. Thank you.