The Steinmetz Wildlife Reserve is an over 4 acre parcel of land off Atlantic Avenue near its intersection with Jerusalem Road. It comprises the boot-shaped portion of a peninsula known as James Island which extends from Atlantic Avenue into Inner Little Harbor. The property includes 4.2 acres of land above mean high water, and an additional .79 acres of salt marsh meadow, for a total of 4.99 acres.
In July 2018, the CCT purchased the property in a bargain sale from John and Jane Steinmetz with funds donated by neighbors.
The CCT’s Board “and its Agents” has an Access and Parking Easement over Lot 10 to the south. The deed specifically states that “Grantee further agrees never to restrict public access to Parcel A, except to the extent necessary to address safety and environmental conservation, habitat protection, or liability concerns.” This allows access to the Reserve to adjacent landowners and to the general public from the water. There are views of the property from Atlantic Avenue and from Jerusalem Road.
This acquisition protects one of Cohasset’s last remaining tracts of undeveloped coastal forest, more than a quarter mile of saltwater shoreline, and valuable wildlife and plant habitat, as well as views of the undeveloped shoreline from the adjacent roads.