Scott’s Shore is 3 acres of rocky beach off Atlantic Avenue abutting private property to the west and the causeway to the east. In 1971 Whitney Scott, son of the owner and later a Trustee, arranged for the Trust to receive title to the eastern half of the property. Nineteen years later in December 1990, Whitney Scott’s mother, Catherine Scott, generously gave the Trust the remaining western half of the beach.
A pristine, rugged, rocky beach north of Atlanatic Avenue. It starts at the beginning of the causeway as you head west on Atlantic Avenue from Sandy Beach and continues for 1,000 feet.
The beach is seasonal habitat for a variety of endangered shorebirds such as plovers, sanderlings, sandpipers, rednots and herons – some are endangered and some are migratory birds making their way from the Arctic to South America. A species of local terns known as least terns lay their eggs among the stones in the spring and fraise their brood there through August when they are strong enough to fly south.
The deed stipulates the land is for “…preserving the natural beauties of the town of Cohasset and protecting the animal life therein…and not for recreational purposes.” The property carries Trust signage to that effect.